Rice and Politics

I had written this in 2016 while working as a content writer for a media and communications firm. Long story short, I can't access a lot of the stories I wrote, especially my opinion stories and movie reviews. I have been struggling to write again and something urged me to check the million drafts in …

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Movie Review- Living In Bondage

Living in Bondage; Breaking Free once again is making waves. Everyone is talking about it with almost the same vigor as when it first came out on the big screen. I was unable to see it the first time and so, I was like Yass Netflix. The hype was there and I was ready to …

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Podcasts I Absolutely Love

*Removes cobwebs* *Spreads Yoga mat*. *Pretends to stretch*. My people and non-existent readers. Let’s try to do this consistent blogging escapism thingy once again. Today, I would be writing about the Podcasts I absolutely love to listen to. I find it strange that people don’t listen to podcasts. It’s a vibe more people should subscribe …

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